👩🏽‍🏫 Sharing Stories | Betabox Learning K12

👩🏽‍🏫 Sharing Stories

In this part of the lesson, we will explore the stories of several famous neurodivergent people who have made great strides in STEM, including their contributions and the specific works they have created.

Temple Grandin

Grandin is a renowned animal behavior expert, autism advocate, and professor of animal science at Colorado State University. She is known for her work designing humane livestock handling systems and for her autism advocacy. You can watch her TED talk “The world needs all kinds of minds” below. Additionally, Grandin has developed a “squeeze machine” that provides deep pressure stimulation to help calm her nervous system during times of stress or sensory overload.

Satoshi Tajiri

Tajiri is a Japanese video game designer who is best known as the creator of the Pokemon franchise. He has been open about his experience with Asperger’s syndrome, which he has credited with helping him to focus on his interests and become successful in his career.

Scott Kelly

Kelly is a retired NASA astronaut who is best known for his record-breaking year-long mission aboard the International Space Station. Kelly has been open about his diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Despite the challenges he faced as a child due to his ADHD, Kelly was able to overcome them and pursue a career that most people can only dream of. He has become an inspiration to many who also struggle with ADHD, demonstrating that with determination, hard work, and the right support, it is possible to achieve great things.

Gabriella Rapport-Schlichtmann

Gabrielle is a scientist, researcher, and educator with dyslexia, who has made significant contributions to the field of education, particularly in relation to students with learning differences. She is a senior scientist and director of research at CAST, a nonprofit education research and development organization that focuses on improving teaching and learning for all individuals, particularly those with disabilities. She is also the founder and executive director of EdTogether, a nonprofit organization that focuses on designing and implementing inclusive learning environments that empower all students. 

In conclusion, we have learned about the incredible contributions that neurodivergent scientists have made to STEM fields. From Temple Grandin’s work in animal science to Alan Turing’s groundbreaking contributions to computer science, these individuals have shattered stereotypes and overcome challenges to make groundbreaking discoveries and inventions. As we wrap up this spotlight, let us not forget that there are many other neurodivergent conditions beyond autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. We can all benefit from a greater understanding and appreciation of neurodiversity, and by recognizing the unique strengths that each individual brings to the table, we can continue to make progress in science and beyond.